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Version 3.2.15 Product: Weepie Cookie Allow
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Weepie Cookie Allow for WordPress review. There are about 1.5 billion websites running on our global World Wide Web. However only 200 million are actual live websites. By Live “Website” we mean websites with a unique hostname (IP Address).
Many of these provide our daily information source and companies large or small offer or present their goods. This all serves good purpose but the more we use the internet, the more personal information is left on websites wether you
know or not. The average internet user have their own private dossier known to those interested in your way of life. You are by default tracked every day and all the way from shopping to the tax man.

Ever wondered why when on Facebook you get relevant advertisement just for you ? I guess if you followed the news lately , you know by now they probably know more about you then your relatives.
To put things simple, privacy doesn’t exist on the internet for most. The majority of users is ‘ ignorant ‘ and have no clue of cookies,IP’s and consent to almost any request made by a developer in order to read the stuff they are interested in. The average user just can’t resist saying NO to email-addresses asked and top it off with, dates of birth and more, if that would mean not to have access to the information or website.

So, most of us just do as asked for and consent to anything! Later on you find yourself receiving spam mail and phone calls.

The first and best thing to do for anybody, is to get yourself the best VPN connection. This solves one end of the problem, your IP and stop to any kind of tracing or tracking. BUT if you still fill out the personal information in order to take part on Facebook, Twitter or whatever you’re done. Computer crime is getting more and more advanced and criminals are no longer ‘ thugs’, strong and able to do you over with a single blow. No, computer crime is done by highly skilled people as it is no easy job.
As the revenues can be huge, this area gets more sophisticated time after time. Hacking Bitcoin, Banks,Companies and private computers (ransomware) is delivering billions of dollars.

So Governments are faced with new threats, as are people who can be victims of identity theft and can have their lives wrecked as there is no solution for this really. A new law (AVG and GDPR) is coming and implemented on 25th of May 2018.

AVG (EU) and GDPR law:

The General Data Protection Regulation  (GDPR) which is designed to enable individuals to better control their personal data. It is hoped that these modernised and unified rules will allow businesses to make the most of the opportunities of the Digital Single Market by reducing regulation and benefiting from reinforced consumer trust.

The Data Protection Directive: The police and criminal justice sectors will ensure that the data of victims, witnesses, and suspects of crimes, are duly protected in the context of a criminal investigation or a law enforcement action. At the same time more harmonised laws will also facilitate cross-border cooperation of police or prosecutors to combat crime and terrorism more effectively across Europe.

The GDPR was ratified mid 2016 and immediately became law. Member states now have a 2 year implementation period. Enforcement will commence by 25th May 2018 at the latest.

This document summarises the key components of the GDPR – it should be noted that this is only a simplified summary and that the full text (all 204 pages) contains much more detail.
( source:

So, as everyone else we needed to comply to these new rules and set ourselves searching for some or one great ‘plugin’ making our life easier, rather then opt for a website update. We tried the most mentioned and praised plugins but found
only a few really doing the job. Mind you, this also depends a bit on the websites functions. Do you have registered users or not, subscribers or live chat functions this all has impact on the scope you need to tackle.
But there’s one rule for all. We NEED to comply, being a private website owner or business!!  WeePie Cookie Allow plugin for WordPress is the best we’ve found so far. The best means, installable and usable for any website owner being novice or


Weepie Cookie Allow for WordPress review

This simple cookie consent WordPress Plugin with a lot of styling options makes it possible to easily and fully comply with any cookie law:

  • EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • EU cookie law
  • UK cookie law
  • Dutch cookie law + Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG)
  • Italian cookie law
  • German cookie law / German Data Protection Amendment Act (GDPAA)
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
  • Etc.!

This plugin is more than a notification bar: it really can block cookies before consent !

AVG / GDPR required? YES! If you have an European website or a website directed to an European audience, a website visitor has to be informed about and give consent for placing certain privacy sensitive cookies on your website.
Depending on what you are doing with these cookies, this consent may be implied or must be explicit.

  1. Select your consent method (with or without possibility to decline cookies)
  2. Edit style elements (like colors, texts and sizes) to your needs

…and you’re ready to comply with the EU cookie law!


Compose your consent settings, edit some elements like the texts and colours of the cookie bar/box to your needs and you’re done! 

Style to your liking:

  • Colors
  • Texts
  • Choose between a bar or a box
  • Positions and sizes
  • Add a closing cross (X) to close the cookie notice / decline cookies
  • ShadowWeepie Cookie Allow for WordPress review

Choose the cookie consent type

Choose between ‘implied’ (accept after click/scroll) and ‘explicit’ (accept after click the accept button) consent, with the following cookies before consent:

  • Necessary (functional)
  • Necessary and analytical
  • All

After consent all cookies will be placed. Or the possibility to decline cookies!

Fully automatic cookie blocking. Blocks 3rd party cookies automatically, like:

  • Social media cookies (e.g. Facebook and Twitter)
  • YouTube cookies
  • Advertisement cookies (e.g. Google AdSense)
  • Google Analytics cookies

Additional option to block all i-frames automatically

Full list of 3rd party applications blocked automatically or by choice  

Amazon adsystem
Google Maps
Google Adsense
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Hupso Share Buttons
Matomo (Piwik)
Sharethis platform API

Cookie Policy page linking:  Easily create a link to your Cookie Policy/Information page / post / custom post type / attachment (PDF) directly from the cookie bar.

Responsive design:                                        Fits different devices like: pc, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
Multisite ready:                                               Supports WordPress Multisite (WPMU). You’ll need 1 license for each unique domain name.
Officially WPML Multilingual compatible:  Supports translation with the WPML Multilingual Plugin.
Placeholder for blocked cookie content:   Possibility to show a placeholder at the place where the cookie content is blocked.
Reconsider cookie consent:                        Add a cookie reset button in your WordPress website (by a Shortcode)

Extra features!

  • Fully translatable (pot-file included)
  • Possibility to add custom CSS easily
  • Disable for logged in users
  • Minified JavaScripts
  • Based on our WeePie Framework



This is the easiest part of this review. Using WeePie Cookie Allow plugin is a breeze !!  Installation is somewhat different to normal procedures however. The latest version of Weepie Cookie is straightforward installation as all plugins, but the earlier versions needed a more specific install as described in this part. Check and read the Instruction carefully as there are two separate folders to be installed (through WP-Dashboard or FTP) in order to create two folders in your public_html/xxxx/wp-content/plugins. This path may differ as we are running a multi-website and have a slightly different ‘tree’. These are essential for the plugin to work. Once done, the actual setup and styling is for dummies. Choose your consent type and other setup options and you’re on your way. Of course the Privacy Statement is something you need to make yourself. An internal link option to your Privacy.Stat. is available in the setup.

As the first given consent by users might be wanted revoked for any reason, a Reset Cookie Consent button is available through ‘shortcode’ and does a wonderful job.
For any site-owners running there websites from cached-servers you might want to adjust the cache settings as we experienced a long delay before actual choices were made visible. This has nothing to do with the script but all with your hosting companies cache setup.

Finally and very important is service provision by the developer. Which is really outstanding, no question about it. When you check the Automatic Cookies block/unblock list ( above), you may find your cookie is not listed.
The developer will if possible help you add your cookie with additional code. To place the code you need FTP access and change the functions.php in your domain/wp-content/themes/ !!  Not in the basic root if you run multisite . But in case you’re stuck, service is available.
This is one aspect of our great experience so far. So if you own a website and need to comply to AVG or GDRP don’t hesitate and order this plugin for $ 20.  This price beats any fine placed on you if you fail to comply. Check this website’s GDPR entry !! We use it and feel confident!


Get WeePie Cookie Allow for WordPress. If you own a website and need to comply to AVG or GDRP, just don’t hesitate and order this plugin for $ 20.  This price beats any fine placed on you if you fail to comply.

4.7/5 - (12 votes)


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